Thursday, 4 July 2013

What Changes Do You Suggest In The Field Of Education

The present age is the age of science and technology. In every walk of life we need people educated in these fields. Technical education provides training in practical art and science. Pakistan has yet to go a long way to catch the advance countries of the world. This is possible only when we have enough trained men. So technical education is of the utmost importance for the progress and prosperity of our country. Unfortunately in the past, there has been great stress on general education. The British rulers of our country needed clerks and assistants in their offices to work under them. They introduced educational system which produced such people. But now time has changed.

Pakistan is now an independent and sovereign country. We have been intentionally kept backward and underdeveloped for two centuries. To compensate for the time thus lost we will have to work very hard. In order to make an advanced and prosperous country, we need mills and factories, mechanization of agriculture; building of roads and railways, bridges and canals, hospitals and schools.  But to achieve all this we need engineers, mechanics, doctors, teachers, skilled labour and many more technical experts. This is possible only when we have schools, colleges and universities where technical and scientific education is imparted to students who will later on look after all the development projects. It is heartening to note that the present government is giving due attention to technical education.

In the present day world technical hands are needed in every part of the world. Rich countries like to have labourers from developing countries where wages are low. These skilled and semi skilled workers get handsome salaries in European countries and the countries of the Middle East. In the recent past there has been a great tendency to go abroad. The labouring class especially desires to get a job by hook or by crook in a foreign country. These workers not only earn a good living for themselves but also send valuable foreign exchange to their countries demand skilled or semi-skilled labour. We can fulfill their demands only by giving technical education to young people.

In our own country prosperity depends on the development of agriculture, industry and commence. These can be improved only through scientific methods of cultivation and installation of more mills and factories and expansion of trade and commerce. To run these institutions we need experts and technicians. These people are now-a-days the builders of a nation. And we need them most. It is, therefore, the responsibiliy of the Government as well as of the nation, to make technical education common.

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