Friday, 12 July 2013

Social & Psychological Problems Of The Confirmed Bachelor

The confirmed bachelors described by Hobert Gold at the start are representative of thousands of bechelors like him who live in American cities without much hope of their final settlement in life. In fact, this bachelor is symbolic of the many thousands of unmarried young men in other advanced countries like Britain and Italy who live unsettled lives because of their social and individual problems.
    We note that the people as a whole or society is not favourable to the confirmed bachelor. The writer describes a vast crowd of different kinds of men and women looking at and talking with the confirmed bachelor at different city parties.
    Firstly, the typical wife looks at him as a possible source of pleasure or entertainment for her. She only gets confused when she looks at his long unmarried state and hears the negative opinions of others of him. She is ready to become too old for marriage but she is not prepared to marry him because he is known as a confirmed bachelor. This shows the foolishness of fashionable and showy young women who just spoil their own chances of marriage or future by rejecting confirmed bachelors out of hand (at one).
    Secondly, another bachelor at first consider the confirmed bachelor a friend of his, but very soon begins looking at him as a rival who might steal his girl friend from him. Thus, the inner corruption and evil working of the mind make one bachelor develop feelings of jealously against amother bachelor.
    Thirdly, the hostess, one who acts as a dancing partner at clubs, thinks of him as a possible extra man who can dance with her, The psychiatrist, an expert in the treatment of mental illness, takes him as a patient for his treatment. Thus, other professional people look at the confirmed bachelor from a selfish viewpoint, that is, think of use that they could put him.

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