Showing posts with label Social Cause. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Cause. Show all posts

Friday, 12 July 2013

Social & Psychological Problems Of The Confirmed Bachelor

The confirmed bachelors described by Hobert Gold at the start are representative of thousands of bechelors like him who live in American cities without much hope of their final settlement in life. In fact, this bachelor is symbolic of the many thousands of unmarried young men in other advanced countries like Britain and Italy who live unsettled lives because of their social and individual problems.
    We note that the people as a whole or society is not favourable to the confirmed bachelor. The writer describes a vast crowd of different kinds of men and women looking at and talking with the confirmed bachelor at different city parties.
    Firstly, the typical wife looks at him as a possible source of pleasure or entertainment for her. She only gets confused when she looks at his long unmarried state and hears the negative opinions of others of him. She is ready to become too old for marriage but she is not prepared to marry him because he is known as a confirmed bachelor. This shows the foolishness of fashionable and showy young women who just spoil their own chances of marriage or future by rejecting confirmed bachelors out of hand (at one).
    Secondly, another bachelor at first consider the confirmed bachelor a friend of his, but very soon begins looking at him as a rival who might steal his girl friend from him. Thus, the inner corruption and evil working of the mind make one bachelor develop feelings of jealously against amother bachelor.
    Thirdly, the hostess, one who acts as a dancing partner at clubs, thinks of him as a possible extra man who can dance with her, The psychiatrist, an expert in the treatment of mental illness, takes him as a patient for his treatment. Thus, other professional people look at the confirmed bachelor from a selfish viewpoint, that is, think of use that they could put him.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Environmental Pollution And 22nd Century

Our movement into the 22nd century has neither been smooth nor very happy as we find the atmosphere and water risingly polluted. In the cities the air is getting dustier and dirtier and this pollution is becoming troublesome and dangerous to every one rich and poor same. Modern civilisation is basically responsible for the pollution in the atmosphere. The causes of this atmospheric or environmental pollution are, the rise in population or population explosion is much at the bases of the population problem.

With the increase in population we need more houses, more motorcycles, cars, buses and other vehicles giving out smoke and gases. Naturally forest areas are minimised, trees are cut down to make room for houses with the result that there is more of carbon dioxide and less of freshness in the air. With more roads, rail and air traffic the atmosphere is getting polluted. When there are more people and more houses, roads,  drains, pipes and garbage heaps multiply with the result that greenery begins to disappear and underground water resources begin getting polluted. The fuel for cooking purposes, it is gas or oil or coal, it burnt for greater quantities of food spreading pollution around. Population control is the need of the hour in view of the over crowded dirty and polluted cities and towns. The setting up of industrial centres and factories in areas closes to cities and towns adds to the already existing pollution. No doubt cities go on expanding and reach close to industrial areas or estates outside. But through careful planning residential areas can be located very far away from industrial complexes.

Machinery in factories should be such as gives out the least dangerous exhaust or makes the least noise. In certain parts of under developed countries industries are polluting the city water and atmosphere tremendously. For example, the industrial areas around the different cities are adding to water and atmospheric pollution. The tanneries give out liquids that mix with underground water reservoirs while their exhaust pollution the atmosphere. Tons of garbage or refuse and industrial wastes are dumped and unloaded underground or in rivers and seas. This causes dirty living conditions, killing of fish or sea animals or harms their growth. Falling oil from ships in the oceans proves dangerous to the sea life. Better ways of dumping industrial waste should be found so that the health and life of sea creatures and human beings are not affected. And the quantity of these wastes should be reduced through population control and demands for industrial products. The burring of chemicals and giving out the carbon dioxide and other gases by heavy machines and cars add greatly to atmospheric pollution. The carbon dioxide stops the sun rays from returning from the earth's surface after reflection. Earth is heating it causes storms, floods and dryness. The air that we take and breathe gets impure and we can fall ill more easily. The burning and air conditioning processes disturb the ozone layer above the atmosphere badly.

The disturbed ozone layer does not stop all the dangerous rays from reaching the earth. This causes too much heating of the earth diseases of the skin and other dangerous diseases if a person opens his body to the sun for long. Noise pollution is no less painful and harmful than the pollution caused by gases and chemicals.

Monday, 1 July 2013

How To Control Floods - Storm & Cyclone Disaster

Rivers are in flood in some parts of world every year. Floods cause large scale death of human beings and animals and destruction of property, crops, trees and vegetation. They disrupt the road and rail communication systems badly and cause suspension of regular bus and train services. Even airports and runways are affected and air services can be suspended. Electric poles are uprooted and gas and oil pipes are rendered (causes to become) unserviceable. Bridges are washed away disconnecting one region (wide area) from another. The advanced countries like the US, Russia and China have controlled floods in a big way. It is worthwhile (rewarding) to learn their methods of river and flood control. It is also advisable to plan the use and diversion of flood waters in times of emergency. The four provinces of our country and the neighbouring areas from where glaciers melt or water flows into our rivers in any form should all be associated with our water programmes and policies.

Firstly, the main cause of floods is, of course, excessive (too much) rainfall on the mountains and in the catchment areas. The rainwater flows into the rivers that overflow their banks on the plains. The flood waters enter all the low lying areas near or at a distance from the rivers. They spare neither villages nor towns nor cities. Secondly, storm and cyclones (circular strong winds) and hurricanes (violent storms) join the sea waves and cause the flooding of the coastal areas on a wide scale. Such flooding took place in Southern Sindh and Makran in Balochistan in the past and recently in 2007. Thirdly, there are breaches in the existing dams or water reservoirs causing the inundation (flooding) of wide areas, destruction of whole villages and towns. The people of interior Sindh and Balochistan faced such a situation several times. The danger of the bursting of the Mirani dam in Balochistan forced the people in the adjoining areas to flee to safer places causing them great hardship. There was acute (very great) shortage of food items, drinking water and medicines and the prices of goods of daily use shot up abnormally in the flood affected areas.

The need to control floods in the country is paramount (supreme). For this, big dams across the rivers may be constructed. The floodwater that goes waste or cause large scale destruction can be stored in them. Some empty dams or reservoirs, natural or manmade, may be kept lying for emergencies so that the extra floodwater may be fed into them. This water can be used later in the dry season for agriculture purposes. The courses of the rivers may also be changed to facilitate free flow of water into the sea. Or the rivers can be made to flow over low lying areas that can be converted (changed) into lakes with floodwater. The riverbeds can be dug deeper by the armed forces and labour force. Water passages or channels parallel to the already existing rivers and canals may be dug with modern machines.